In my previous article i have given the definition of scrum and uses of scrum with real life industry examples. IN this article i would like to throw light on Scrum theory with examples. According to scrum guide scrum is founded with empirical process control theory you can call it as empiricism. Here the question in mind – What exactly the empiricism means? In this article i would like to give scrum theory in detail.
Empiricism in Scrum theory :
The empiricism is nothing but the theory which states that the knowledge only comes from sensory experience. Scrum also follows the process of empiricism which means knowledge comes from the experience and making decisions are based on what is known? Scrum uses the approach which is different than the traditional approach – it uses the iterative approach and incremental approach which optimizes the predictability and controls the risk.
The following are pillars of empiricism :
We will discuss all the above points with example in next section.

1.Transparency :
The transparency is nothing but the condition of being transparent to the people who are part of the product development. The process must be visible significant to those who is responsible for outcome. The transparency requires those aspects which has common standards so that observers can share the common understanding about what is being seen.
For Example :
- The common understandable language must be shared with all participants of the process.
2.Those who are performing in work and those people who are inspecting and resulting the increment must shared a definition of “Done”.
In Facebook if we require to complete one feature in 2 weeks sprint then all the required people will know what exactly in the previous sprint deployment in simple language and those people needs to decide the definition of done.(What exactly needs to complete during the sprint)
2.Inspection :
There are three important points,
1.Scrum users who are part of the scrum will have to inspect the progress towards the sprint goal to inspect undesirable variances.
So what is mean by undesirable variances? – These are nothing but unavoidable circumstances during the project where the actual cost is greater than the project cost. Those are the times where scrum team needs to alert the company that the actual profit will be less than the profit expected.
2.The inspection should not be so frequent that it will affect the product delivery work.
3.The inspections will be more beneficial when those are performed by skilled inspectors at the time of actual work.
3.Adaption :
At the time of inspection the person who is doing inspection found one or more aspects of process deviates that are outside acceptable limit. Those are the times when product will be unacceptable. There are times where we require to revisit the process or the product being process must be adjusted. Those adjustments must made as quick as possible to avoid further deviation
Events for Inspection and Adaption in scrum theory :
Those are above three pillars of empiricism. Now we can discuss more about the events which needs to be completed for inspection and adaption in scrum. Those events i will explain better in Events of inspection and adaption but here i just need to give you flavor of it.
1.Sprint Planning : Here we can do the actual plan for the sprint.
2.Daily Scrum : This event is useful for checking daily progress on sprint.
3.Sprint Review : In this event product owner and development team will review the sprint.
4.Sprint retrospective : Those are the session where we can discuss more about what we are doing better and what could be better in sprint.
I hope with this article you got better idea about what exactly the sprint theory is with examples. If you like this article or if you have some issues with the same kindly comment in comments section.